Messages from Diverse Sources
Monday, May 13, 2024
Man Will Have to Make a Choice: Either the Celestial Way or the Infernal Way
Message from the Blessed Virgin and Our Lord Jesus to Myriam Corsini in Carbonia, Sardinia, Italy on May 11, 2023

The Blessed Virgin is already here in our midst, blessing us, bringing us Her Son Jesus. Jesus is in Mary's arms blessing us.
Invoke the Holy Spirit, My children, pray to the Holy Spirit, pray for the anticipated return of Jesus, pray for My intentions this Holy Rosary. I embrace all your thoughts, all your needs. Your delusions all lie in My Immaculate Heart and in the Sacred Heart of Jesus, My Son.
Beloved children, be strong in these last hours that you will now have to fight in hard trials. Do not worry because Jesus will be by your side and will sustain you in Himself.
Be happy, My children, that you have been called to fulfill this mission. In the world few have been chosen. I trust in your help, in your support, My children!
I am here, I am always your Jesus, I love you and I embrace you to Me.
Offer Me all your sorrows, My children, offer Me any sacrifice, do not be afraid of anything. This is the greatest work Jesus intended for the end of time. From here new gateways to Heavenly ways will be opened. A new world, a new life, all to be enjoyed by the children of God, for those who will have chosen to love God, to follow God and Jesus the Savior, the One who gave His own life for the sake of His brethren that they might be saved.
Jesus would like to re-embrace all His children quickly. Time is on the ropes now. Satan must let go. The intervention that will soon happen on this earth will be a decisive intervention.
Man will have to make a choice:
either the Celestial way or the Infernal way.
Help Me, My children, help Me. I am here with you in this mission. Alone I fought to give you salvation, alone I died on that cross, spat upon and rejected by men. Today I ask you to help Me come down from that cross. Uphold My theses, stand firm in the true doctrine of the Church, keeping Her holy Commandments. Watch, watch in you, first of all, My children, watch in you, in your homes. Always be vigilant because Satan is now furious and at any moment will try to bring God's children down. Especially God's children, those who have chosen to fight evil to be on the side of good.
Avvi yourselves to holiness, My children! Set yourselves up for holiness! Be precious pearls in My eyes, be those diamonds that will shine in My eyes when I look at you and bless you again for the eternal bliss you will experience with Me.
Go ahead, the games are now played. The time is fulfilled. It only takes a little, just a spark to then unleash Hell on Earth. And this is it, My children, I tell you. this is it. Pray!
May the Holy Spirit descend upon you and embrace you to Himself, fill you with His Holy Spirit. Ask for the Holy Spirit upon you, My children. God's blessing already embraces you and blesses you. Amen.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
The Most Holy Trinity blesses you.
Source: ➥